Anna's Green Blog

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bradford's International Market Festival

Friday saw the start of the 4 day International Market Festival in Bradford city centre. We got down there for the launch yesterday evening and saw two two pieces of outdoor theatre, featuring aerial artistes: the first, 'the diamond', was a giant inflatable 11 metres high with an aerialist inside; the second, 'the heliosphere', was a huge helium-filled balloon with an aerial artist suspended below it. The balloon moved above the crowd, rising and falling as the artist tumbled and turned in time to the music.

Today saw the start of the market, with stalls lining the streets throughout the city centre. I saw the tail-end of another piece of street theatre, 'the Conedancers' which was another aerial show with a man and a woman dancing and tumbling around the sides of an 8 metre high, air-filled cone. Other street performers included the Peace Artistes - famous Bradford street band (I was on the same coach as them down to the peace march in London in 2003, which was very handy as it meant that we got to march alongside them and enjoy the music) and Fiona Katie Roberts, who builds her own harps.

We saw a bit of Fuego Latino (two Salsa dancers) performing with Cubania in Centenary Square as we were returning to the car at the end of the afternooon. Omar Puente (Cuban electric violinist) didn't appear to be with Cubania. Paul and I attended a workshop run by him and members of Cubania at the University last year, then went to their evening performance. Brilliant!

Mighty Zulu nation and the Cajun Aces are performing in Centenary Square tomorrow, but we are setting off to do the Yorkshire Dales cycleway - postponed from last week because I had a stomach bug.
Did I mention our intention of doing the C2C in an earlier post? It was too complicated. The railways are not cycle friendly, so getting to Whitehaven to start the ride and then back from Tynemouth at the finish proved too complicated.


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