43 Things
Reading the latest entry for 'Three Beautiful Things' (which I have a link feed to) I found Clare's link to '43 Things'. I'll look at it more thoroughly when I've got time. It's a serendipitious find as I need to set goals. One of the ones that jumps off the screen on the Home Page is 'write a book'. I've just finished the second day of the Bill O'Hanlon seminar on writing and publishing. He is a brilliant presenter and I'm enjoying the workshop. There are some great people on it too. Perhaps I can write a book after all ... I'm certainly going to have a go at another piece for Mslexia. I'm going to aim for incremental writing - 10 minutes a day on a theme. At first I'll freewrite, then as ideas come up I'll focus in.
Thanks for the Woof you could do all your own editing on your own book. Good to see you are getting into writing.
Mark x
Grump, at July 15, 2006
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