Three Beautiful Things
Three Beautiful Things
I found this blog the other day - there was a link to it on Bekki Hill's Write Coach website. Bekki Hill writes a column for Mslexia.
The 'Three Beautiful Things' is such a brilliant idea for a blog and yet so simple. I used to do this to ward off - or get out from under the weight of - depression. I would write my three positive or 'Good and New' things either at the end of each day, or first thing in the morning whilst doing my early morning writing workout.
It was back in about the 1930s that Dorothea Brande came up with the idea of doing daily timed pieces of stream-of-consciousness or freewriting first thing in the morning. In the 1990s Julia Cameron adopted this idea and marketed it as 'morning pages'.
I found this blog the other day - there was a link to it on Bekki Hill's Write Coach website. Bekki Hill writes a column for Mslexia.
The 'Three Beautiful Things' is such a brilliant idea for a blog and yet so simple. I used to do this to ward off - or get out from under the weight of - depression. I would write my three positive or 'Good and New' things either at the end of each day, or first thing in the morning whilst doing my early morning writing workout.
It was back in about the 1930s that Dorothea Brande came up with the idea of doing daily timed pieces of stream-of-consciousness or freewriting first thing in the morning. In the 1990s Julia Cameron adopted this idea and marketed it as 'morning pages'.
I like the three beautiful things blog. I have added it to my live feeds blog bookmark. [for daily updates]. Catch you soon. Love Mark
Grump, at July 03, 2006
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