Last minute rush!
Why do I do it??? We are leaving at 4.30 a.m. tomorrow morning and I intended to tidy up the -very messy - house. I haven't even finished packing, nor have I made a list of addresses for the people I am going to send cards to (I did printed out labels when I went to Oz, but that was because I was going for longer).
Last week I got in a panic about not having done anything about getting my business set up for September and contrary to what people seem to think (either I've got a massive pension, or that Paul is keeping me - neither of which are the case) I do need to earn some money. i also need to make some kind of investment so that when I do retire I have enough to live on. Anyway, the upshot of this was that I finally wrote my entry for the WorcNet directory last Friday and sent it in. Today I have emailed them a photo to use - Paul took it just now, with me kneeling on the bed (there is a nice plain background behind it) going through a series of poses and expressions, most of which looked like someone you wouldn't want to employ at all!
Yesterday I emailed all of my Bradford council contacts, which took eight hours as I wanted to write to each one individually. Paul tutted over this rather a lot and remarked that 'I thought you were going to spend this 6 weeks with me,' in a 'bah humbug' kind of tone. 'I will, I will,' I said 'I'll just do this ...' Then today of course I had some replies (a lot of replies) so I responded to those. I've been bowled over by the response. I've had several offers of work and have put a few dates in my diary.
People do care! More than that, people obviously do respect and value me. One person who I worked with nearly 20 years ago and who I had a little contact with in my last job, though not for a couple of years, wrote in response to my email header of 'Anna who?', 'Anna who we all know and love.' I was really touched by that. He told me to get in touch and arrange a meeting when I get back. Wow!
Last week I got in a panic about not having done anything about getting my business set up for September and contrary to what people seem to think (either I've got a massive pension, or that Paul is keeping me - neither of which are the case) I do need to earn some money. i also need to make some kind of investment so that when I do retire I have enough to live on. Anyway, the upshot of this was that I finally wrote my entry for the WorcNet directory last Friday and sent it in. Today I have emailed them a photo to use - Paul took it just now, with me kneeling on the bed (there is a nice plain background behind it) going through a series of poses and expressions, most of which looked like someone you wouldn't want to employ at all!
Yesterday I emailed all of my Bradford council contacts, which took eight hours as I wanted to write to each one individually. Paul tutted over this rather a lot and remarked that 'I thought you were going to spend this 6 weeks with me,' in a 'bah humbug' kind of tone. 'I will, I will,' I said 'I'll just do this ...' Then today of course I had some replies (a lot of replies) so I responded to those. I've been bowled over by the response. I've had several offers of work and have put a few dates in my diary.
People do care! More than that, people obviously do respect and value me. One person who I worked with nearly 20 years ago and who I had a little contact with in my last job, though not for a couple of years, wrote in response to my email header of 'Anna who?', 'Anna who we all know and love.' I was really touched by that. He told me to get in touch and arrange a meeting when I get back. Wow!
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